Writing, for me, is almost like pulling teeth.  Having to write a blog and a newsletter is very painfull.  But from the comments of some of you, you want more information.  I think that is great and I want to give everybody that wants to know more about the care and feeding of their home’s foundation as much information as I can.  To that end I wanted to remind everybody that they can sign up for my free newsletter that we send out once a month.

In the newsletter we have one or two short articles on different subjects, maintenance tips and a case study.  We also get a guest expert from time to time to contribute an article.

It is easy to sign up, just go to our website’s homepage and on the upper right hand corner there is a sign-up box.

In the future, we will publish some of our newsletters on a page of our website so you will be able to see some of our back issues.  Also, as soon as I figure out how to make it happen, comments will be published on the blog page.  At present, I do see all the nice comments you are sending in, thank you.  If you do have suggestions for future blogs or articles in the newsletter, please let me know.

Thank you.